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Is using a Director of Football worth it in FM20?

Do you use a DoF in Football Manage 2020? Is it something you actively do or do you have one because it's expected? How do you utilise them?

DoF or no DoF? - That is the question...😕

In England, a Director of Football is slowly becoming the norm.  There are some clubs here that have adopted the system but traditionally a Director of Football is a non-English setup.  In my current save I decided last summer to employ a DoF.  I play as Southend United in England and this is my first time with a DoF.

I'm not going to lie, it was love at first sight when I laid eyes on him (Michael Mutzel...Those stats are to die for).  However, as all relationships we have had a few boundary issues and have had to redefine our relationship.  He generally finalises transfers, finds clubs for my unwanted players and gives occasional recommendations on players in a pinch.  But as we go along, things are getting better and I'm starting to enjoy everything he does for me.

It has taken time, and we aren't the finished article yet, but, I'm quietly confident that our relationship was last and will bloom into something wonderful.  In my case I most definitely did DoF...

What are your thoughts?  Do you use a DoF?  Is it something you actively do? or do you have one because it's expected?  How do you utilise them? Do you give them free reign or do you tweak (as I have done) so it's more of an even split?  

Let me know...


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FM Addict: Is using a Director of Football worth it in FM20?
Is using a Director of Football worth it in FM20?
Do you use a DoF in Football Manage 2020? Is it something you actively do or do you have one because it's expected? How do you utilise them?
FM Addict
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